Written by Thomas Schneck with DocuWare


Check out just about any science fiction movie or television show and you’re likely to see a few things.

Flying cars. Check.

Digital communicators. Check.

Teleportation. Check.

Paper documents. Not so fast.

I’ve never seen Captain Kirk with a paper document. Or Captains Picard, Sisko, Janeway or Archer, either, for that matter.

Companies also have the goal of a paperless future – 79% say business-at-the-speed-of-paper will be unacceptable in a few years’ time – and yet… and yet…

According to AIIM, for 19% of organizations, the amount of paper flowing through their business processes is still increasing.

There are a lot of reasons for the continued popularity of paper. These include:

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One thing is clear, with or without science fiction to clue us in: leading organizations will not use paper as a form of record or documentation, but rather a temporary viewing convenience.

It’s time to step into the future – a future of digital documents and digitized processes. Sound far-fetched? It’s not. The capability is here now, and cloud solutions make it easier than ever before.

Plan your move to automation today, contact Miken Technologies to schedule an appointment with a representative!